Sunday, September 11, 2016

D-STAR Reflectors and links

The D-STAR network has a whole bunch of reflectors.  These reflectors add a lot of capability, and really are what makes D-STAR fun.  The repeater is configured to connect to REF024C after an hour of inactivity.  REF024C is an open reflector used mainly in Michigan.  It is a relatively quiet reflector, although a call will often scare up a QSO.  The REF024 reflectors are hosted at the Owosso repeater, W8SHI.

Two other interesting reflectors are REF001C, the so-called MegaRepeater, and REF030C, a reflector that links a lot of U.S. repeaters.  Both of these are quite busy.  REF001C is so busy that, if you want to rag chew, it is recommended you move off to REF004C.

A complete list of REF reflectors can be found here.

Each of the reflectors has a dashboard that tells you who is linked to the reflector.  The dashboard for REF0024 is here, and for REF001, here. There are also CCS, DCS, XRF and XLX reflectors, but the REF reflectors seem to be the most used.

There is a list of D-STAR repeaters here.

Some stations have turned on "visibility" for their radios, and in that case, you can see whenever they press the PTT here. There is also a link to tell you how to turn on visibility for your radio if you wish.

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